Friday, July 11, 2008

Finally - Port24 Update

Let's see where we're at, about two months into the Portfolio.

On 7/3/08 I had bought 400 Syneron for 15.04 and 400 more Elan for 33.70. So, I now have the following stocks (number in parentheses are the number of calls sold against them)

2000 SUPG (-20), 2000 NBIX, 600 ELN, 2000 DNDN (-10), 1200 TASR, 2000 ARNA, 1000 SGMO, 500 CRME (-5), 400 NVDA (-4), 400 ELOS
Cash balance is at $13,518.90, and the total market value is $100,875.92. That is a .87% return so far, which is obviously below my target. In my defense, I still have a number of July calls to sell -- which I hope to do today (time permitting at lunch!).

Supergen, Nvidia, and Taser are my biggest disappointments so far; Supergen missed on a clinical trial for Dacogen, Nvidia had a horrible quarter, and Taser lost the first lawsuit (out of 71 verdicts so far). Honestly, I will probably buy back the Supergen calls at a profit, and sell Supergen and Taser at a loss. I will make a final determination next week...

Elan is the biggest winner so far, having bought two sets of Elan that I've kept at $27.30 and $33.70, and the price now being $36.82. I am looking to crest $40 at the end of the month and depending on a spike, if any, following the ICAD results I will probably sell more calls on these shares at the next-higher $5 exercise price.


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