Monday, December 22, 2008

More SEC failings

Whew -- I need to learn how to consistently write for this blog!

Here is a quickie ... please follow the link below to read a short article about Gary Aguirre, who was fired from the SEC for daring to investigate a hedge fund's activity.

(in part):
" ... In the investigation that I conducted, which is now the subject of a Senate report, there was suspicious trading activity involving both a hedge fund involving an $18 million profit. They also detected a $150,000 profit by a low-level employee of General Electric (GE) and a Taiwanese kung fu instructor. SEC passed on the hedge fund case where the trading indicated millions in profit and SEC focused on the GE employee and the kung fu instructor. The SEC and the US attorney rigorously prosecuted the low-level GE employee, but both passed on any investigation of the major hedge fund.
This is not a rarity..."

... and the beat goes on. *sigh*


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Trond, Glad to see you blogging again. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your family!

So what everything that's occured over the past few months tell you? It doesn't pay to be in the middle. If you fail, fail big, the government will come to your rescue. If you succeed, succeed big, as you will be above suspicion (that is until you fail big).

So the moral of the story, do things in a big way or don't do them at all. (LOL!)