Saturday, April 16, 2011

Port 24 update

April options expiration came Friday and for the first time in three years my Port24 is without some Dendreon.

DNDN had a great run in the last month - moving from $32 to $42 - and my gamble that it wouldn't break $40 was a bad one. I will probably hold on to the cash for a few days to assess what I want to do. I really am not comfortable with the overall market but there are always places to put money to work.

PZG had a bad week - the first resource report came out and I feel was badly prepared-for by the company. I still look forward to a very good year for Paramount but it may be a couple months of sitting and waiting.

The Port's return is about 18% annualized, as of 4/15. In one month, it turns 3 years old! So I am lagging my desired return of 24% a year quite badly - by 6%! In my defense, for newer readers, I have made two stupid mistakes: 1) with Elan in not taking enormous profits when I could have, and 2) in neglecting the Port for about 9 of the 35 months I've been running it. Those nine months of "lost" covered call returns very well could have made up that 6%.

Even with the mistakes, I will concede that 18% is pretty good. And better, in comparison to the S&P 500 (SPY) and the Nasdaq (QQQQ), I am handily beating the market in the same period. The SPY has returned -0.6% in the 35 month period while the QQQQ's are at 5.7% annualized. So I'm still beating the better of the two by 12.4% per year. That is respectable.

Cash $19,372.85 Position (calls against)
2600 CLDX (26)
2000 NBIX (20)
7000 NNVC (0)
7000 ONTY (70)
1600 DCTH (16)
3600 PZG (0)
9000 CLSN (0)
2000 MITI (0)
800 SGEN (8)


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